Chelles Running Blog

Little Pom who met an Aussie eight years ago and moved over here to be with him. Love Brisbane and all it has to offer, not sure if I would have been as keen about getting up at 5am during the English winter for a run!

Tuesday 10 October 2006

Racehorse running again!

Earlier this year, when I was trying to start running again after my last little break, courtesy of my knee, I had a loop that I ran with my puppy, around the back of a race course. The Puppy absolutely loved it, I swear he use to think he was a racehorse! When the mornings started to get darker I stopped doing this route as there was no lights and it was pretty lonely, plus I would have needed to run it twice to get the distance I required. This morning Puppy and I went for and reestablished ourselves on the racecourse loop. It took me 35mins, I think I use to do it in 32, however this time did include a short walk of about 500meters to stretch my knee out a bit. I now have a plan of attack for each week;

1 x racecourse run
1 x longer weekend run
3 x morning walks with puppy and Mr Chelle

Will do that for a couple of weeks and get really serious about my stretching etc and then hopefully up the pace a bit!


At Tue Oct 10, 12:47:00 pm, Blogger 2P said...

Good to see you back Chelle ;-)

At Tue Oct 10, 01:27:00 pm, Blogger Matty said...

And here I was thinking that you had abandanoned us to become a full time party hostess in Fiji!!!

At Wed Oct 11, 07:56:00 am, Blogger Clairie said...

Surely he can't be still a puppy? You've been away for months - or did you freeze him whilst you were gone???? lol

At Thu Oct 12, 11:58:00 am, Blogger Toasty said...

I like your plan. That will build a strong base for later on and allow the knee to get some strength. It is the off season after all.

At Sun Oct 15, 04:20:00 pm, Blogger Ewen said...

Looks like a good plan. Maybe my three and a half days' running a week is too much?

At Tue Dec 26, 09:49:00 pm, Blogger Annabel said...

Saw your posts on the BE board and thought I'd drop by. Thanks for the laughs and good luck with the running. I'm also trying to get back into it.



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