Chelles Running Blog

Little Pom who met an Aussie eight years ago and moved over here to be with him. Love Brisbane and all it has to offer, not sure if I would have been as keen about getting up at 5am during the English winter for a run!

Thursday, 2 June 2005

No, no, no.... I just want to run

I am not a happy little runner this morning. Having pointed out the 'point of pain' to a couple of the runners at the session this morning they both told me it could be ITB... so not happy about that little piece of information! I have always had a 'niggle' in my knee, ever since I got hit full force with a hockey ball while playing about ten years ago... I am hoping that after Touch on Monday night and then a big run on the Tuesday morning, its just sore and not the dreaded ITB.
However, I have promised myself that by the end of today I will have an appointment booked for somewhere to get it checked out. I dont know whether or not I should be running on the weekend either now, I was meant to be using it as a guage for my GC pace.

Anyway, every cloud has a silver-lining and all that, so on the plus side my ankle is feeling much better today.

[update] I have an appointment tomorrow at 12pm - yaay me for doing something proactive about it... fingers crossed its a happy ending.


At Thu Jun 02, 09:57:00 am, Blogger miners said...

Don't worry chelle, it was just me with my voodoo doll - nothing to do with ITB at all!

Actually, I've found that ITB gets brought up as a common suggestion becasue it's relatively well known among runners, so don't get too worried (but take their advice nonetheless)

Have a great weekend - I'll be off-line till then :(


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