Chelles Running Blog

Little Pom who met an Aussie eight years ago and moved over here to be with him. Love Brisbane and all it has to offer, not sure if I would have been as keen about getting up at 5am during the English winter for a run!

Monday, 6 June 2005

Recovery day (and Touch)

Well, I woke up this morning and was slightly hesitant about putting my feet down on the floor; I could already feel my calves slightly tight, though I thought that might have been case as they’d been tight during the actual run. Best foot (okay, leg, okay, it was my knee I was thinking about) forward… left leg, check. Right leg (bit nervous about the knee) check!! Yaay, I’m pain free!

I’m meant to be playing Touch tonight, but am thinking of giving it a miss, or at least just playing half the game. Last thing I want is a repeat of last week’s mishap!


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