Chelles Running Blog

Little Pom who met an Aussie eight years ago and moved over here to be with him. Love Brisbane and all it has to offer, not sure if I would have been as keen about getting up at 5am during the English winter for a run!

Thursday 4 August 2005

Felt slow, fast, slow, fast....

6x400meters today, with 60SR. The first 2x400meters I struggled with, but then, as per usual lately I found I warmed up a bit and kicked in a bit of speed for the 3rd one... quite impressed as well, as Pat has moved the marker further up the road, so this rep was actually a bit further than the first two. Kept my pace for the return to the finish, then lost it a bit for the next 2, but managed to regain some for the final effort and back to the Gardens.
As per every Thursday following a time-trial, it was the no watch 1km today. My prediction was 4.44 and I came in at 4.52, so only 8 seconds out, pretty good pacing I thought :)

Put in some serious effort this morning, so hopefully things are coming good.


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