Chelles Running Blog

Little Pom who met an Aussie eight years ago and moved over here to be with him. Love Brisbane and all it has to offer, not sure if I would have been as keen about getting up at 5am during the English winter for a run!

Sunday 15 May 2005

Inspired run!

Turns out I have inspired a friend, who although active has never done more than a gentle jog before in her life, to take up running! Apparently my enthusiasm has rubbed off on her, which has made me feel really good. So many people were helpful to me when I first started and encouraged me along, I'm glad that I've done the same for her. To celebrate her new starting to run, we did what was truly fitting, and went for a run!!

She's aiming for two runs a week on a 3km circuit and going to build up from there. Tonight I ran the 3km with her, and plan to on as many Sundays as I can do. She/we made it back in 19.38 and now have a goal for future runs which is great. Sunday is a X-train day for me, so a gentle 3km should fit in okay I hope :)


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