Chelles Running Blog

Little Pom who met an Aussie eight years ago and moved over here to be with him. Love Brisbane and all it has to offer, not sure if I would have been as keen about getting up at 5am during the English winter for a run!

Sunday 8 May 2005

Mothers Day 8km - new PB!

Short version: broke my LWF 8km pb on Sunday by 79seconds.

Longer version: I was really hoping to cut down on my LWF time of 39.05, certainly sub-39mins, but really hoping for at least 4.50min/k and perhaps even push myself to 4.45's where possible. I started off fairly fast, as I was aiming for the 4.45's, but when I got to the 1K marker I'd made 4.30. I was feeling pretty good about this, but didnt want to burn out so tried to drop the pace back a bit, only discover my 2K time was even quicker and 4.10. I really concentrated on getting in to a more even pace, apart from theoretically smashing my pb at this pace, I would probably end up exhausted by half way. My next splits were much better, averaging around 4.5o as planned. By 5km I was still feeling good, noone was passing me and I was gaining on the small pack in front; I picked up the pace to 4.45. All I had left was 3km and I was digging in deep, concentrating on my running and remembering that LuckyLegs had told me it wouldn't hurt to try for the 4.45's! :) There didnt seem to be a 7km marker, so probably with about 800meters left to go I lifted my knee's up, lengthened my stride and put everything into it. I crossed the line with a time of 37.46 (TBC), breaking my previous pb by 79secs! I couldn't believe it, I felt like I was starting to get 'real' runner times.

I'm sure sooner rather than later my improvements will start to plateau, but at the moment I can feel myself getting better and am enjoying running more and more. I think there's 8 weeks to go till the GC and I'm planning on putting 100% effort in for those weeks, so that when I cross the finish line I will know everything went in to those 21.3km's and have no regrets about wishing to have pushed faster and harder - just as I feel I did on Sunday.


At Mon May 09, 05:17:00 pm, Blogger Tesso said...

Big CONGRATS Chelle!!!

What a great run! You looked to be running so strongly out there, but still managed to give us a smile and a wave each time we passed.

PBs are such a thrill, but what a mighty effort knocking off so much time in just a couple of weeks!

At Fri May 13, 11:11:00 pm, Blogger Flashrip's Fables said...

Great post Chelle and bloody good running.
A word of warning though about defining the term 'running'.I posted a comment a few weeks ago when I was (and still am) recovering from an injury and said that the 6m17s/km and slower runs I was doing wasn't really running (to me).Man!Did I get flamed!
Most of them eventually apologised when I posted my justification but it was an awful time for me.
Again, great run and a good blog!


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