Chelles Running Blog

Little Pom who met an Aussie eight years ago and moved over here to be with him. Love Brisbane and all it has to offer, not sure if I would have been as keen about getting up at 5am during the English winter for a run!

Thursday, 11 August 2005

Happy runner again!

There’s no denying it, I love to run!! Recently I have been entertaining the idea of not running, don’t know why, think I was just getting down about not being able to run fluidly and without pain for the past couple of months. After Sunday’s effort, a nice morning run on Wednesday and this morning speed session, I am back up on Runners Cloud Nine and ready to put in the miles again!!
Having said all that, I have kinda decided that once the QLD Series finishes (end Sept) I will probably ease off on the race meets for a while and just put some training and build up some stamina. Since March this year I have run in eight official races, and have two more planned. I think I might like to do Canberra next year, and as if I’m going to something I’m going to want to do it properly, I think they’ll be some serious long runs going on in the New Year anyway!

As for resting, I’ll be doing a fair bit of that over the next 5 days, for tomorrow I’m off to Fiji! Got a 90 min run planned for Saturday/Sunday, but we’ll see how that goes!


At Thu Aug 11, 05:04:00 pm, Blogger miners said...

Chelle!!!! What do you mean slowing down after the end of September? That's when you get started! All these tri's for you to get yourself to, so go get yourself a bike and I'll see you there :)

At Thu Aug 11, 05:16:00 pm, Blogger Tesso said...

What's this 'might' do Canberra. C'mon, commit!!! Think of the fun we're all gonna have training through summer :-)

Have a great time in Fiji Chelle! See you later next week.

At Fri Aug 12, 04:31:00 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

Yes, I agree with Tesso...commit! Have a great time in Fiji, Chelle.

At Fri Aug 12, 06:01:00 pm, Blogger CJ said...

Oh you lucky thing - Fiji!! Sounds glorious and warm! Do come and run Canberra next year - we'd love to see you here!

At Thu Aug 18, 02:00:00 pm, Blogger miners said...

So, are you back yet? How was it? Did you run? Did you surf? (nice surfing there) Are you going to do a tri soon?


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