Chelles Running Blog

Little Pom who met an Aussie eight years ago and moved over here to be with him. Love Brisbane and all it has to offer, not sure if I would have been as keen about getting up at 5am during the English winter for a run!

Wednesday 6 July 2005

Sore, but okay

Three days later and I am starting to feel normal again. I had a bit of a nightmarish Monday and Tuesday getting my usual morning coffee. The route I take from the station means I only walk up two steps to the coffee place, but have to walk down 6, I know there are six, because everyone one of them has been painful the last two days. Today was a little better and by tomorrow I am hoping to go back to not noticing them anymore... I must have looked an idiot trying to get down them though :)

The plan for this week was to do one training session and a 10km run at the weekend, then back to the physio on Monday for 'damage assessment' and go from there. I am definitely feeling better though, have only had one twinge in my leg today and I managed to keep walking through it, things seem to be on the up.

Noosa is the next big one on the calendar, though there are a couple of smaller ones I am thinking of going in for, will see how that goes.


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