Chelles Running Blog

Little Pom who met an Aussie eight years ago and moved over here to be with him. Love Brisbane and all it has to offer, not sure if I would have been as keen about getting up at 5am during the English winter for a run!

Monday 12 September 2005

3km tester & physio appointment

As instructed by my phiysio, I got myself in to gear on Sunday morning and went for 3ish km run. I didn't measure it, but I ran slowly for about 14mins, so I reckon 3km would be about right. My knee swelled slightly and was a bit sore, but some RICE and stretching later I was feeling better and it was but a distant memory. Gee, it felt hard though, just those 3km, goes to show how quickly you lose your base... hardly fair considering how long it took me to get it!!

Physio appointment was fairly promising, she seems quite pleased with my progress and I am happy to take it slowly and go with what she says. I'm changing on my opinion about her, I think she just has a very 'blunt' no-mess attitude, which takes a bit of getting use to! My goal for this week is 5km... the question is, do I change my 10km Riverrun entry to 5km and do it there. Is it possible to run under race conditions and not actually race???!


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