Chelles Running Blog

Little Pom who met an Aussie eight years ago and moved over here to be with him. Love Brisbane and all it has to offer, not sure if I would have been as keen about getting up at 5am during the English winter for a run!

Friday, 20 January 2006

The Physio

Okay, back from the physio. I dont know whether to be happy that the pain isnt in my mind, or sad that I still have more work to do... I think I'll go with the former, it sounds more positive. Speaking of positive, its not a return of the dreaded itb, but probably brought on by previous problem with my knee; very tight calf muscles, so I'm twisting in the wrong places and accordingly a knot of muscles right at the top of my leg/hip. We went through all the old exercises I use to/still do and she has given me some more that will target the areas directly and strengthen, the previous exercises (she says) were a lot of stretching which I need, but not enough strengthening to actually get better/faster/fitter.

So, back to regular physio visits, but at least I went on the first hiccup rather than took a month, which is what I did last time. Under very strict, almost scary actually, instructions to only run strapped until I go back again next week.

Thanks for all support, and the pep-talk Miners... I WILL run again!! :)


At Fri Jan 20, 11:34:00 am, Blogger Jen said...

Good on you Chelle for getting to the physio straight away (and not running on your problem for months, like me!)

I have tight calf muscles too but mine give me shin splints rather than knee problems. At least calf muscles can be stretched any place, any time. My boss is now used to walking into my office and finding leaning against the filing cabinet stretching my calves.. I'm now finding glutes are a little harder to stretch in public :-)

You will run again without injury - and soon. I have no doubt about that!

At Fri Jan 20, 12:16:00 pm, Blogger miners said...

Great to hear that you've taken the painful advice from the physio well. It must be hard to listen to those sorts of words again after having such a good rest :(

I have everything crossed for you to speed back from your next (little) recovery :)

At Fri Jan 20, 02:01:00 pm, Blogger Tesso said...

Good news really Chelle.

So that means you can run then, so long as you strap?


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