Chelles Running Blog

Little Pom who met an Aussie eight years ago and moved over here to be with him. Love Brisbane and all it has to offer, not sure if I would have been as keen about getting up at 5am during the English winter for a run!

Sunday 12 March 2006

Saturday warmup & First BRRC meet

I have been off running all week, crook as a crook thing. I've had that horrible cold thats been going around since the weather changed, you know, the one that leaves you achey, and feverish and like you're head is going to explode. In an attempt to be good to myself and because having a couple of early finishes (ie 5pm) from work werent an option this week, I set my alarm for 6am everyday and didnt even attempt a run, other than a 20 min jog with on Wednesday evening with the puppy up the park.
MJ got back about a week or so ago and I was due to meet up for a quick coffee with her on Thursday as she was in the city, she put ideas in my head about a Half at BRRC on Sunday morning, the idea though appealing to my head I didnt think my body would be willing and said I would let her know on the Saturday after I'd tried to do a little run. On Saturday morning I got up at 6.30am and did my usual track with the racehorse puppy, I managed to do it comfortably in a good time. A couple of hours later I was still feeling okay from the run but not 100% from my cold and rung MJ to see if I could get a lift with her on the Sunday morning, but mentionned I would possibly just be doing the 10km.

I got up at 4.40am this morning and headed out to MJ's wher she was waiting for me and we headed down to West End. I decided in the car that I should follow what my body was telling me and signed up for the 10km run. I joined the BRRC also as this was my first run down there.
The Half started at 6am so this gave me 30mins until my run was to set off, this time flew by and before I knew it I was at the start and the gun had gone off. I started in the middle of the pack and decided just to run my own race, my first few K's were in 5.15 and after about the 4th K they started to creep up by 5secs/K, still I wasnt getting taken (well only by the super quick Halfers!) and I was doing my own thing, feeling good and not worrying about PB's for a change. I finished in 55:50, 9 mins slower than my last 10km at Doomben, to look at it in a "half full" way though, it is now 9hours after I finished my run, I had no pain or swelling and have not had to take any anti-inflams etc. Things will only get better (and quicker) from here on!



At Sun Mar 12, 05:51:00 pm, Blogger Tesso said...

Hey Chelle, welcome to BRRC! I didn't realise you'd not run there before. Its a great club, the best thing is you don't feel like you have to 'race' every time, you can just go along for a run and a bit of socialising.

That's good news about your leg. Sounds like you are well and truly on the recovery trail now.

Catch ya again soon.

At Tue Mar 14, 12:55:00 pm, Blogger miners said...

Great to hear that you recovered so well after the 10km - but shame to hear about the cold you picked up. Hope it's just contained to you northerners ;)


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