Chelles Running Blog

Little Pom who met an Aussie eight years ago and moved over here to be with him. Love Brisbane and all it has to offer, not sure if I would have been as keen about getting up at 5am during the English winter for a run!

Monday 8 May 2006

Longest run ever (again)

I think the best thing about training for a new event, is every weekend brings on a new 'pb'. This weekend was no exception. I had a planned 2.5hours on the diary, I'd no idea how this would go though, being 20mins longer than any previous run and as I was planning on running with at least one other person, probably quicker than my solo attempt too!

We set off from the Regatta at 6am and ran the first 3km's at about 5min/k pace. I felt good and there was joking and talking to keep us distracted but by the time we got to the gardens MJ and I had eased off the pace slightly, a lot of the faster guys were running planning on 12km and we would have been stupid to try and keep up with them. By the time we exited the gardens, MJ and I were by ourselves, this suited me fine, I knew MJ didnt want to go out too fast and that was probably a wise move. We headed down to New Farm park, from the Regatta I have never run further than this, so at any point was excepting to feel the pace slow a bit. It didnt. We continued down towards Teneriffe and out heading towards Breaky Creek Hotel. Every couple of K I was sure that at any minute I would slow down, or my legs would start to feel it, or something. It never happened. At our turnaround at 1.19mins I was sure I would start to tire shortly, but no, my legs felt fresh pretty much all the way back to the William Jolly Bridge, they did start to tire here, but by that point I was already on 'longer run ever' and would have crawled if need be... there was no need though and when I finished our run at 2.39hours I felt as though going further would have been just fine.

I was slightly worried that my legs would be unbearable sore on the Sunday, especially given the pull-up from the Brissie Marathon. Despite my long run and a night of dancing I felt just fine on the Sunday morning.


I should elaborate a bit - the dancing thing has nothing to do with running at all, the relevance to it was that I thought after a night on the tiles my legs were really going to hurt. A friend & I planned a surprise Hen Night for another friend...


At Mon May 08, 09:30:00 am, Blogger miners said...

Great to see you doing so well, and looking great again Chelle. Keep it up, and GC will be a breeze.

Looking forward to catching up properly over at Warwick :)

At Mon May 08, 10:38:00 am, Blogger PortRunr said...

Good run at what sounds like a good pace...I've got another of those planned for next weekend too...bit slower though!! :)

At Mon May 08, 01:32:00 pm, Blogger 2P said...

Nice run Chelle - aalways such a feeling of accomplishment when you have run further that ever before.

At Mon May 08, 03:03:00 pm, Blogger Matty said...

Fab run Chelle - think I've only run longer twice, so its certainly no ho-hum accomplishment!

Keep it up!!


At Mon May 08, 04:52:00 pm, Blogger Tesso said...

Great stuff Chelle. Don't ya just love that stretch of the river past NF Park and towards The Creek.

I wanna know what this 'dancing' thing is to. I hope you aren't in secret training to outdo 2P and I on 'Dancing With The Stars' ;-)

At Fri May 12, 08:24:00 pm, Blogger Hannah said...

Woohoo! You looked like you were going well when Schultzy and I saw you both!

Might see you in the morning! Though it'll be an easy run because I'm doing GH on sunday! Argh!


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