Chelles Running Blog

Little Pom who met an Aussie eight years ago and moved over here to be with him. Love Brisbane and all it has to offer, not sure if I would have been as keen about getting up at 5am during the English winter for a run!

Tuesday 18 April 2006

A couple of days round-up

Thursday, 13th
Pats session this morning and numbers were low on the ground with a large amount of people either having already left for Easter or saving themselves for the Easter 10km. I was definitely feeling fatigued after having run the previous two days, plus the big run last weekend, though managed to find the desired extra push to get me up the River Stage hill in at a speedy pace.

Friday, 14th
Fourth morning in a row up at 4.40am, felt quite strange not putting on shorts and singlet though and instead opting for jeans. As I left the house to get MJ & Matt I had a HUGE craving for coffee, called MJ and got our orders for two large coffees courtesy of 24/7 Maccas and we all drove down to Orleigh Park for the Intraining Easter 10/3/1km.
Volunteering is great, and although I wanted to be running, the fatigued feeling from yesterday was still there and I was a little bit glad to not be lining up at the start. MJ and I had the very important job of official time-keepers... unfortunately the tape in my stopwatch ran out after about 40mins, when mainly only 3k-ers were complete. Still I was able to cheer the guys over the line and help direct them to the desk, had a close call with one young lad though, who less than a meter from the finish threw-up everywhere :( It was pretty hot out there though and I wouldnt be surprised if he'd never done that distance before as both mum & dad were with him.

Saturday, 15th
No run this morning as we headed up the coast to Eumundi markets and then back down to Coolum to stay in the Hyatt there for a couple of nights. Did note a couple of tracks around the place though ready for a Sunday morning run

Sunday, 16th
I wasnt allowed (instructions of Mr Chelle) to set my alarm this morning, but I still woke up at an early enough hour to get out at about 6.30 for a run around Coolum. I ran through the resort down to their private beach access and headed out south on the beach. After 40minutes of running (20 on the sand) I was finding the slope of the beach, due to a high tide combined with the sand very hard work on my knee. I took the sensible option and headed up towards the seafront footpath, this didnt last for long though and soon I found myself running on the almost empty road. When I got to Marcoola and past the airport there, I had a really good stretch as the early warning 'knee numbness' was starting to take hold. I took my time, probably 2 or 3 minutes before turning around and heading back up to the Resort. All up only 80 mins, but with the extra sand running and a fairly swift pace on the way back I was quite happy with my efforts. I've tried to get a best estimate of distance by whereis-ing my run, and I think 14km would be a good round figure, which is about 5.40/k

After getting back and having the usual shower and not-so-usual hotel breakfast we decided to hire bikes for the day. I think its been about 10 years since I last got on a bike, so it was a bit of an awakening. Probably did about 90mins in total, 50mins of that in one hit, but it was better than no x-training at all and I am now quite keen to get out on the bike once a week... just need a bike first :)


At Tue Apr 18, 03:21:00 pm, Blogger Tesso said...

Good on ya for helping out at the Easter run. Hope you managed to score an egg or two :-) Until you volunteer you don't realise how much work goes into these things.

The Hyatt at Coolum - wow!!!! I can't believe you wanted to set an alarm. Typical runner!


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